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Really cool concept! I find it very interesting to use the theme of the Jam to make a story game. The dialouge is well written and the art looks really nice. Sound effects and more music would have been cool.

When talking to Lena I unfortunately got this error when I tried to get more infos from her.

"Chianti Q" isn't valid Harlowe syntax for the inside of a macro call.Maybe you misspelled something? Also, as of 3.3.0, Javascript syntax is not allowed inside macro calls.

 Feels like I can't continue because of this or maybe I am just missing something. Either way, reading through all the dialouge was very enjoyable :)

Yep, someone else has reported that bug too. I fixed it after the jam deadline, unfortunately.

ah that’s unfortunate. I’ll check it out once the updated version is out!

on the other hand, congrats on finding that. It’s all the way in the Lena section behind a silence of the lambs joke. My playtester missed it.

It's good to see a game that uses the theme for something else that involves size or quantity. I feel like this game should have had more scenes or illustrations. Different scenarios while reading the dialogues would bring more immersion. I also miss some kind of game juice to this: characters moving, UI reacting to clicks, etc. But overall I liked the graphics.


Oh for sure. A lot of that stuff had to be cut for time, sadly. I would love to add more backgrounds and character posing. I also had a tilting scale mechanic that didn't get done in time.

This is sick :)